Was it really five months ago that we saw Enter Shikari in Cardiff and five months since we've posted on this site? Yet still the visits increase, and you fuckers are making me feel guilty.
So what are Trin and Brassey up to? Well we missed Bonde do Role in December as I was feeling unwell. Stupid really, as they've now broken up. We've been trying to get into some new music but there doesn't seem to be much around! So it's been World music, jazz, rave and classical mainly. We've got a disco this weekend - private kids' party. Hopefully we'll see the Rev again soon.
We did catch some nice Hungarian folk music and dancing in Budapest in December but nothing in Prague.
Oh, and we went to a ceilidh on Sunday (above). The music was great but the dancing looked exhausting. Luckily it was all doctors and nurses and if anyone had collapsed help would have been close at hand.