Saturday, February 17, 2007

the search for appenzeller space schottl

To those of you that think Plan B or Mumm-Ra are hard-to-find or esoteric, try looking for something like Appenzeller Space Schottl! No myspace, no website and - until I dug further - nothing recorded. No Google images on their name ... until I used a few tricks.

They mix jazz and traditional Swiss Alpine music, rarely play outside of Appenzell (one of the smallest Swiss cantons) and have NEVER played the Louisiana. And I've never met anyone who's ever heard them or heard of them.

After an hour's hard Googling I've got this far - an image (and ordered a copy of the album which contains just one ASS track), visited a Russian website and found this on a Swiss website - which suggests there IS a full album out there which looks like the rest of my evening spoken for!

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