Monday, March 05, 2007

ealing films hand over the baton ....

I thought that for a change I'd actually watch a film before reviewing it.

Hot Fuzz is great - the Mumm-Ra of the fillum world.

A few tossers have tried to get an Ealing feel to their films, but are invariably cack-handed and miss the point. These fuckers have managed it effortlessly. How? By forgetting the past and instead blending the Vicar of Dibley with a typical foul-mouthed Mitchell Brothers ditty. This has it all - hoodies, middle-class twats, PC PCs, serial nutters, farmers with guns, even ginger kids. And loads of action - guns, mines, knives, shears - like a typical Wednesday morning in Hartcliffe.

Except it's all actually filmed in Wells, England's smallest capital city and once a station on the S&D. Somerfield, City News (above), they're all there. Wells will never seem the same again and I'll be terribly disappointed if when next time I visit I don't take at least a bullet or two from Simon Pegg's AK ...

The second key to success is actors. The Ealings had 'em, the Carry Ons did ... and nothing since. But this reads like a Who's Who of current UK comedy talent ... Jim Broadbent, Steve Coogan, Martin Freeman, that fucker who dances with cats in Harry Potter, Bill Bailey (x2), Timothy Dalton, millions of others I can't remember.

And it taps into the modern psyche, best joke for me was the 'One Schoolchild at a Time' sign in City News' window, breached at the end by dozens of hoodie-wearing pupils doing the police's work for them.

Having been a Parish Councillor in a grotty chocolate box village I can totally vouch for the veracity of the Neighbourhood Watch Association meetings. Spot on and a big FUCK OFF to those morons who reckon it ain't funny and it's too fast .. like D***** of N****.

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