Saturday, August 12, 2006

automatically good

the gritty Automatic I stayed up far beyond my bedtime last night to watch the Automatic on Friday Night Live show. Typically they weren't on till right at the end. I wanted to hear Monster. I love Monster. The radios were playing it far before it hit the charts and the simple child like chorus caught my sense of humour. I wanted Brassey to play it as Lord Bath opened the Annual Fete on his estate. I thought the image of the flowing Lord of the manor striding across the field with
"What's that coming over the hill, is it a monster?"
Screaming across the land, would make a fitting and memorable image. Unfortunately it wasn't to be.
The Automatic are a good looking set of 4 welsh lads. Pennie, Rob, Frost and Iwan look like a rock group. They got the looks, the sound and the attitude. Monster was a success. Now what about the future?
The new track is "Recover" On the website lead singer Rob says;

"The song's about being a waster and trying to motivate yourself into doing something better than sit in front of the television"

I'd better rush out and buy a copy for my teenager pronto.....This metioned teen, who was watching it with me, reckoned the overall sound of the track was very much like 'Monster'.
I tried to explain that a band needs to get it's own sound.
I can tell a new track is by a certain band within the first few beats. Hard-Fi have that distinctive sound that makes it exclusively theirs. Even their last single with a slight reggae beat was still very obviously Hard-Fi.
"Recover" is good. Loads of energy, mix and vibrant. The backing vocals to all of their tracks are most definitely different. The harsh shouty excitement in comparison to Robs smooth sound make for a vocal collage of suede and corrugated iron.
Recommended and tagged as worthy with more to come.

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