Wednesday, August 09, 2006

leighton buzzard narrow gauge railway

This is the very Colonel Stephens like building in classic corrugated iron that serves as the station building at Pages Park on the Leighton Buzzard Narrow Gauge Railway.

This is the neat steam engine, Doll, which hauled our four coach train.

The route runs very closely to houses along the first part of the route, many of which have been built in the last thirty years changing the nature of the line. The line is very friendly and seems to be very popular with the locals throughout. The last mile or so is almost roadside, separated by a neat low hedge. The route through Leighton Buzzard includes several ungated level crossings, which require two flagmen.

Back at Pages Park it's clear to see that the train was very well patronised with almost all seats taken. Posted by Picasa

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