Tuesday, August 08, 2006

guilty as charged?

Why should we feel guilty about liking a certain music? Maybe a hefty dose of cheesy pop might ruin our street cred. Maybe some people might dismiss our musical taste as crap? Laugh at us? Horror.
Image Hosted by ImageShack.usThere is a current culture of selling compilation CD's like "Naughty But Nice" or "Guilty Pleasures". Stuff that is assumed we'd be embarrassed to say we liked. Music we wouldn't proudly display on the CD rack but in the guise of a compilation CD is acceptable.
So exactly what is deemed bad enough to be placed in the ranks of Vintage Cheese.
How about Andrew Gold... Lonely Boy? Now this particular track takes me back to being young (hmm younger) , Top of the Pops at his best and the hilarious 'Pans People' doing that ridiculous dance to it... "Oh what a Lonely Boy" Lyrically it explores sibling riviary with the Lonely Boy's mother daring to bugger off and have yet another kid. He wanted to be the only one. Didn't we all?
gilbert O'Sullivan Get Down.... woofHow about David Soul "Silver Lady" How much did I just love Starsky and Hutch? David Soul was about as cheesy as it gets but when he sang
"I'm lost and alone Chilled to the bone" I just wanted to donate him my lovely lemon 4 ply cardigan my Nan knitted me.
I think Barry Blue "Dancing on a Saturday Night " was my first brought vinyl record. We had a woolworths in the local shopping area. I must have got records there.... I didn't go far really.
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usI loved that Barry Blue beat. I'd sit in the tiny bedroom I shared with my two sisters... One of them being a dreadfully annoying toddler.
I wish I had a 'Gold Satin Jacket and some silvery blues'.... Whatever they were?
Now I'm just grateful I didn't have one to add to the many embarrassing pictures of me as a frankly nerdy teenager.
My mother took me to a wedding once with a yellow polyester dress, long sleeves and high neck. I have the pictures to prove it.
Why? Why pop out these old tracks and force them on us again? Put them in some awful compilation CD with the likes of Rubettes 'Sugar Baby Love' and hope we'll buy them for some unsuspecting relative who we were sure had the most dreadful music taste in the 70's?
I happen to know a certain man who had a 'Dad Rocks' CD for fathers day.... eeek!
The thing is we don't NEED these CD's. We don't need our memories tweaked in such a lucrative way.
My iPod is full of tracks that I would probably not play for you. Because they are personal to me. They evoke memories of my past. They remind me of certain times, whether happy sad or fucking crazy.
I don't feel GUILTY about them. If you laugh at them I'd tell you to bugger off. I might even kick you (if I was so inclined that day)
Beware. Someday someone just might find that New Seekers - I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing on your mp3............
Didn't you just fancy the knickers off of that Lynn Paul.... Admit it.

ps Feeling dirty now. Off to play some Arctic Monkeys REALLY LOUD.........


Unknown said...

Forgive me Mother Trin, as it's been 30 years since my last confession. The first record I ever bought was Dean Friedman's "Lucky Stars", but I was only a CHILD yer Honour! Society is to blame...

toppop100 said...

'Didn't you just fancy the knickers off of that Lynn Paul.... Admit it.'

Well, no. Barry Blue was much hotter than she was.